Department of Veterinary Science at JFVM

Basic Veterinary Science

Is focused on the mechanism and function of vertebrate animals. It is also the foundation of pathogenetic and preventive veterinary science and clinical veterinary science. In this course, several types of research approaches are used, such as microscope-based, neurophysiological, biochemical, and pharmacological approaches.

Pathogenetic and Preventive Veterinary Science

Consists of the basic researches of diseases of modern veterinary field, such as of infectious diseases, immune diseases, tumors, metabolic disorders. The latest research methods are applied for the treatment, prevention, and for the analysis, in respect to molecular biology, microbiology, immunology, pathology, and epidemiology. In addition, the trainings and studies on human's health improvement and farm animal productivity are offered, with these research results above.

Clinical Veterinary Science

Contributes to the community via health management of various types of animals that have relations to humans (such as large animals, companion animals, aquatic animals, lab animals, and zoo animals). Applying the theories and technologies of clinical immunology, parasitology, clinical pathology, radiology, anesthesiology, neurophysiology, embryonic transplantation, it establishes the advanced diagnostic technologies and treatment methods. It also provides the trainings and researches to determine causes of disease, to develop prevention methods, and to produce good farm animals.

Animal Medical Center

Functions as a research facility to implement the advanced veterinary medicine and to establish treatment methods to contribute to local community. Also this institution is a veterinary teaching hospital to train the students to be professional veterinarians.

The United Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine

Consists of the basic researches of diseases in modern veterinary field, such as of infectious diseases, immune diseases, tumors, or metabolic disorders. The latest research methods are applied for the treatment, prevention, and for the analysis, in respect to molecular biology, microbiology, immunology, pathology, and epidemiology. These research results are applied to public hygiene and animal hygiene fields, for human health improvement and farm animal productivity. Thus, these advanced training and research above are provided in the United Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine.